
Introductions and Greetings  - material extracted from Anglo-Link
Conversation (informal)  

Play back whole conversation 聆聽全部課文

Kate: Hello. My name's Kate.

Julie: Hi Kate, I'm Julie.

Kate: Nice to meet you, Julie.

Julie: Nice to meet you, too.

Kate: This is my friend, Sue.

Julie: Yes, I know. We've already met. How are you, Sue?

Sue: Fine, thanks. And you?

Julie: Great, thanks.

Kate: We must go now. Speak to you later, Julie.

Julie: OK. See you both later.


Conversation (formal)  

Play back whole conversation 聆聽全部課文

Kate: Good morning. I don't think we've met. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kate Russell.

Julie: How do you do. My name is Julie Bates.

Kate: How do you do, Ms Bates. Allow me to introduce my colleague, Sue Halen.

Julie: Well, actually, we've already met. Hello Ms Halen. How are you?

Sue: Very Well, thank you. It's very nice to see you again.

Julie: And you.

Kate: Well, we must be on our way. It has been a pleasure meeting you, Ms Bates. I hope to see you again soon.

Julie: Likewise. I look forward to seeing you both again.


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